Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weight Loss Journey: Part II

Great news from the weight loss front!!!
It's been reported by an anonymous source that I look a little less fat!
This is great news.

In celebration, I am going to have a feast for dinner tonight. Anyone want to join in? Here's a look at the line-up for tonight's meal:

1. 3 snickers bars
2. Chicken Wings
3. Pasta with marinara and diet meatballs
4. Butter Pecan Salmon
5. Baked Ziti with clam sauce
6. Brown
7. Roast Pork on Sourdough with pickles and minimal gravy
8. Diet Pepsi
9. Fried Chicken, no skin.
10. Tuna Casserole
11. Stuffed Soup
12. Breakfast pouch with egg, precooked bacon, american cheese, and biscuit.
13. macaroni and cheese, browned in microwave.

Any suggestions?
I'm trying to keep it healthy, so no fried foods, or if necessary, remove the breading. When I eat foods that contain heavy amounts of gravy, I will spoon out most of it.

By the way, I've been getting a lot of exercise with my brand new PDX 900.

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