Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama - Too Young for the White House?

Hi All.
I know this blog usually has a bit of a sarcastic tone, but I'd like to digress and talk about a serious issue that has been on my mind alot recently. Obama's age.
Obama is a young man, no one can deny that. While he has displayed outstanding courage and responsibility in his short lifespan, we have to keep something imporant in mind: Young People just want to spend time with their friends.
A more refined older man would not be doing so much travel as president. Obama just wants to visit his friends in different parts of the world/country, that's why he's doing so much traveling.
I am a young person myself, and I know I spend alot of time traveling to see my friends. I think it's a natural part of a young person's life, but I'M NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. That's why it's ok for me as a young person (like Obama) to do so much traveling.
As president, you should be sitting in the White House all the time doing work. NOT TRAVELING.
While I have no complaints so far about what Obama has done while in office, I think he could have done alot more if he was actually IN OFFICE, and not TRAVELING.
I'd also like to mention that Obama is a family man, and doing so much travelling can interfere with family life.
I think Obama would be perfect if he was older and didn't need to travel so much to visit his friends.

I'd like to mention that this in no way suggests that I regret all the campaign contributions and grass-roots campaigning sacrifices I made for Obama and I wish him the best of luck.


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