Friday, February 6, 2009

Weight Loss Journey: Part I

Let's face it: Alot of Americans today are overweight and/or obese.
Unfortunately, I'm no exception.
Philadelphia has in recent history been ranked the fattest city in the country. While I'm proud to be a Philadelphian, I'm also ashamed at the lack of care people here have for their bodies.
To put it bluntly, I'd like to lose a few pounds and a few inches off my waist. It would not only affect people's perceptions of me, but also my personal sense of self-confidence.
I've experienced a significant weight gain in the last year and a half, and I'd like to get back to a slimmer, more healthful body shape.
I'd like to use this blog as a sort of weight loss journal. I encourage everyone to post comments about their own weight loss stories/mishaps, etc. We're in this together. YES WE CAN! Let's let the innauguration of our new president be the starting point for CHANGE within our lives.

Here's my plan for losing weight:
  1. Eat Healtheir foods - I need to switch up my eating lifestyle. This can happen easily. For example, instead of eating at KFC every day, I can eat at Boston Market instead.
  2. Photograph my bowel movements and post them on this blog - This will be a reminder to myself of what healthy bowel movements look like.
  3. Excercise, Exercise, Exercise - Weight loss is virtually impossible without rigorous exercise regiments. I plan on biking to work more often, going to the gym, and practicing yoga regularly.
  4. Purge after meals - Instead of digesting foods, I can vomit them up. This way I retain the enjoyment of food, but don't have to take in all the fat and calories.
  5. Monitor my progress using this blog - I'll post updates on my weight, diet, and exercise regiments.
  6. Change the daily routine - Simple things can help too. For example, instead of taking the elevator, I can walk the steps. Instead of lying down when I sleep, I can do it standing up.

So here's today's update:

Current Weight: 215 pounds

Breakfast: None

Snack: mini-pack of m&m's

Lunch: Pork Soup

Dinner: Pork Soup

Exercise: Rode bike to and from work.

Let's see how this turns out!


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