Thursday, February 5, 2009

Top Ten Lists

Ok, today I'm gonna post my top ten of EVERYTHING for 2008.

Top 10 restaurants of 2008

1. KFC - Still the champion after all these years.

2. Popeye's - A great restaurant, with biscuits that are arguably better than KFC's, but nothing beats original recipe.

3. Wendy's - Affordability is an important factor in these lists...nothing beats a Wendy's frosty and jr. bacon cheeseburger when you're on the go, and they're nice on your wallet too :)

4. Olive Garden - When I'm looking to eat in a more sophisticated setting, Olive Garden is my number one choice. Their neverending pasta and breadsticks can't be beat.

5. Pizza Hut- On snowy and cold weather days I like to pop into Pizza Hut for one of their signature cheesesteaks.

6. Blockbuster Video - Movies and popcorn! The classic combination.

7. IHOP - While their prices can sometimes be pretty high, you have to remember that you're paying for quality. Their salisbury steak is incredible.

8.Arby's - While I tend to avoid eating beef, as I don't agree with the idea of killing cows, I think Arby's does roast beef right. Their gravy is delicious, and you can tell by the brown color.

9. Taco Bell - Authentic Mexican cuisine served up at fast food prices? Yup. Taco Bell always hits the spot, whether on a hot summer night of dancing, or a cold winter ski trip. I put the hot sauce on my taco lol :)

10. Dunkin' Donuts - I love their mini-pizzas. When I'm late for work I like to pick up a coffee, two donuts (jelly, lol) and three mini-pizzas. The cheese is so moist and wet. I don't know how they do it, but it's delicious.

Top 10 Drugs of 2008

1. Crack - The obvious choice. It's fun, it's cheap, and it's a guaranteed good time. Name me a person who doesn't like crack. And for those that haven't tried it, you're missing out.

2. Marijuana - The drug of choice for college football fans and others. What else can be said? It's a classic.

3. Heroin - While some are turned off by the idea of sticking a needle in themselves, I say loosen up, you've got nothing to lose. It's potent stuff, so be careful...but prepare yourself for a blast.

4. Meth - Alot of folks consider this to be a "lower-class" drug, but really it's not. Give it a shot!

5. Alcohol - It's legal, and it's great. Everything from micro-brewed beers to delicious licquers. And don't forget to tip the bartender!

6. LSD - This drug is great for spiritual enlightenment and stuff like that.

7. PCP - Personally I only use this when it's laced into my crack. That being said, it's a rollercoaster, but a good one.

8. Cough Syrup - Another great legal drug. One warning, although it tastes great and you may be tempted to drink more than a few bottles --don't. It could lead to serious liver damage and other problems. Beyond that, it's a really fun time.

9. Oxycontin- Made famous by celebs like Rush Limbaugh, this painkiller is great for spring break in Cancun.

10. Nitrous - Administered by dentists when you get surgery. Sometimes you may want to mess up your teeth intentionally just to get at some of this sweet stuff.

Top 10 Animals of 2008

1. Dogs - In honor of Barack Obama's new dog, we had to give it the number one spot. Plus, man's best friend would be hurt not to be number one.

2. Turtles - Slow, but great.

3. Cats - I like to call them man's second best friend. Really great animals, good spirit.

4. Dark Birds - Although they're feisty and liable to attack, they really are of stellar intelligence and posture.

5. Squirrels - I rescued a baby squirrel once. It screamed so loudly.

6. Worms - What other animal can you name that can be split into two separate animals when cut in half?

7. Cricut - One of the best new machines for crafts.

8. Ass - Samson used the skull of one of these great animals to kill lots of Philistines.

9. Cockroach - A classic animal whose reputation still can't be tarnished by slander, at least in my mind.

10. Mice - Comforting creatures to have around, especially during the winter.

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