Friday, March 6, 2009

Boycotting Establishments

If any of you are like me, you're sick and tired of all these unhealthy restaurants out there. You know, McDonalds, Burger King, Cinnabon, and Auntie Ann's pretzels. These places make me sick because they are making the population of America fat and unhealthy.
We need to stand up as a people and stop going to these pits of grease, fat, and filth.
We need to start going to restaurants that serve healthy and beneficial foods that contain fiber, protein and vitamin B12.
If you feel the urge to go to Burger King, go to Friendly's instead.
If you feel the need to go to McDonalds or Cinnabon, why not opt for Taco Bell instead. Replace that fatty Big Mac with a nice healthy beef gordita. Instead of that indulgent Cinnabon, grab some cinnasticks.
If you ever feel the overwhelming passion in your heart that compels you to go to Auntie Ann's for one of their heart-attack inducing pretzels, go to Dairy Queen instead for a blizzard. To make it more healthy, don't get any whipped cream.
If you absolutely have no other choice but Cinnabon, please eat only half. Give the other half to a person in need or the elderly. Wash it down with a heart healthy beverage like mango juice or pepsi, NOT a dunkaccino.
If you're really hungry and on the go, instead of getting Pizza Hut delivered, jog there to pick it up. This will burn calories. You could also just head over to Domino's for a more heart-healthy option.

These are just my tips. Let me know if you guys have any more.
Remember, stay in there, don't give up. It IS possible not to eat at these restaurants, even though it might seem tough at first. With all of the great fast-food alternatives availableto consumers these days, we don't need to be poisoned by McDonalds, etc.


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